Estudos de Mercado
Estudos de Viabilidade
Otimização de Transporte
Planejamento Estratégico
Concessões e PPPs
Estudos de Mercado
Estudos de Viabilidade
Otimização de Transporte
Planejamento Estratégico
Concessões e PPPs
Strategic Planning Portfólio
Update of the optimization study of the ideal logistical footprint of a nickel and cobalt deposit in Piauí to supply sulfur and flow nickel and cobalt to the main consumer markets abroad.
Study of logistical alternatives for MATOPIBA cotton.
Study of cargo potential for movement at the Portocel Terminal.
Analysis of short and medium-term trends and strategies for the port of Itapoá-SC and its retro area.
Market study and cargo movement potential of FCA's Barra Mansa-Angra dos Reis railway branch in Rio de Janeiro.
Study of the viability of the municipality of Varginha-MG as a multimodal logistics hub.
Plan for the strengthning of Arch North infrastructure.
Update of the market study and economic viability in the project of Nova Transnordestina railway (TLSA) operation resulting from the change of it´s implementation scope for the “inverted L” scope.
Strategic assessment of the multimodal logistics axes RJ-ES, RJ-MG and RJ-SP in the context of the development of the State Cargo Logistics Plan (PELC/RJ 2045).
Market potential evaluation of port-backups areas in Manaus-AM.
Logistic, market and strategic study elaboration, including technical feasibility and model analysis of models to implemente Freight intermodal terminal and dry port of Campo Grande/MS.
Elaboration of an analytical summary of PELC/RJ 2045 diagnostic of freight transportation.
Logistic alternative analysis and definition of the ideal logistic footprint to the transportation of cotton bales from Mato Grosso to ports located in the Northern Arch of Brazil.
Rondônia Sectorial Technical Notebooks
Technical, market and economic-financial due-diligence of the Bamin company's business plan for the implementation of the new TUP Porto Sul in Ilhéus-BA
Study of evaluation and identification of strategic investment opportunities in ports and terminals for transhipment of agricultural bulks in Brazil
Logistic Strategic Planning of Cotriguaçu including the strategic assessment of the opportunity of Cotriguaçu participation in the concession bid process of BR-277
Market Study and cargo handling potential of conainers and other cargo of the Sepetiba Tecon S.A. terminal, at the Port of Itaguaí-RJ
Analysis of the process of early renewal of the Railway Concession Contracts in Brazil and evaluation of the priority projects to receive funds from the renewal of the FCA Concession
Technical consultancy for the evaluation of the bidding process ot the areas STS14 and STS14A intended for the handling of break bulk cellulose pulp in the Port of Santos-SP
Competitiveness assessment of the Novo Remanso Port Terminal (TPNR) for grain exports from the states of Rondônia and Mato Grosso
Evaluation of the economic benefits of the FCA Central-East Corridor improvement projects, including the implementation of the new Patrocínio (MG)–Sete Lagoas (MG) connection branch
Studies of market and economic and financial feasibility with elaboration of the Business Plan for general and fractional cargo road-rail operation in the Rio-São Paulo axis
Due-diligence of market and commercial Business Plan of the Rumo Malha Sul railway (RMS)
Strategic integrated development plan of the infrastructure in the state of Rondônia (RO)
Elaboration of logistics strategy for the development of competitive agribusiness in the states of Goiás (GO), Pará (PA) and Tocantins (TO)
Development of the commercial and operational Strategic Business Plan of the Ferrovia Transnordestina Logística (FTL)
Development of the commercial and operational Strategic Business Plan of the Nova Transnordestina Project (TLSA)
Strategic planning of logistics of transport, at state level (Micro-axes of transport) in the Legal Amazon, Phase 3: States of Acre (AC), Maranhão (MA), Mato Grosso (MT) and Rondônia (RO)
Strategic planning of logistics of transport, at state level (Micro-axes of transport) in the Legal Amazon, Phase 2: States of Roraima (RR) and Tocantins (TO)
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